Slot Punya Ferdy Sambo Sekarang Ini Dimana

Slot Punya Ferdy Sambo Sekarang Ini Dimana

Murder of Brigadier Yosua

Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat was shot at the Jakarta home of Ferdy Sambo on 8 July 2022 at approximately 17:00 Western Indonesian Time. Hutabarat, a bodyguard and driver for Sambo, was said to have died after a shootout with another member of the protection team, Second Patrolman Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu,[26] allegedly after Hutabarat sexually harassed Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawati. After the shooting, Hutabarat was transported by ambulance to a hospital where he was pronounced dead, though news of the shooting was delayed until 11 July 2022.[27]

On 9 August 2022, Sambo was taken into custody and charged with premeditated murder, which carries the death penalty or life imprisonment. It was later alleged that patrolman Lumiu had been promised immunity from prosecution by Sambo if he followed through with Sambo's version of the shooting. Despite the assurance of Sambo, Lumiu continued to be the sole suspect for the murder, prompting Lumiu to provide the police with a more accurate and open testimony that contradicted Sambo's version of the event.[28]

Head of Indonesian police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo told a press conference that Sambo had fired multiple pistol shots into a wall in an attempt to show a gunfight had led to Hutabarat's death; there had been no shoot-out and that Sambo had orchestrated Hutabarat's murder.[29] He was described as the "mastermind" of the killing, in which Hutabarat was shot 12 times with a Glock 17.[5][6][30][31]

The murder trial of Ferdy Sambo, his wife, two police officers and a driver – all facing charges of premeditated murder – started in South Jakarta District Court on 17 October 2022. Sambo was accused of ordering a subordinate to shoot Hutabarat, then shooting the wounded victim again himself to kill him.[32] In parallel with the murder trial, seven former officers including Sambo were tried on charges of obstruction of justice related to alleged cover-ups and destruction of evidence.[33]

In January 2023, the court rejected allegations that Hutabarat had raped, sexually assaulted or had an adulterous affair with Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi.[34] Prosecutors said Candrawathi had invented a story that she had been raped by Hutabarat, and had repeatedly changed her version of events leading up to the shooting.[35]

On 13 February 2023, Ferdy Sambo was found "legally and convincingly guilty" of the premeditated murder of Hutabarat and sentenced to death[36] – a penalty usually carried out in Indonesia by firing squad.[37] Verdicts and sentences regarding Candrawathi and the three other accused followed later in the week.[38] Sambo has a week to appeal the verdict; his role as a law enforcer was seen by observers as a factor in the court imposing the maximum sentence – Ardi Manto Saputra, deputy director of human rights group Imparsial said Sambo had "tainted the reputation of law enforcement and the government's dignity".[39]

Candrawathi received a 20-years prison sentence for her role in the murder; her personal assistant Kuat Ma'ruf was given 15 years, and Ricky Rizal Wibowo was given a 13-year sentence (in all three cases, the prosecution had requested eight-year terms).[40] On 15 February 2023, Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his role in the murder; the prosecution had requested a twelve-year term[37] but he was given a lighter sentence for his efforts as a justice collaborator.[41][42]

On 15 and 16 February 2023, lawyers for four defendants (Ma'ruf, Sambo, Candrawathi and Rizal) submitted appeals against their sentences;[43] prosecutors lodged counter-appeals.[44] On 12 April 2023, the South Jakarta District Court rejected all of the defendants' appeals,[11] though the defendants can still appeal to the Supreme Court or seek clemency from the president.[45] In May 2023, Sambo, Chandrawati and Ma'ruf filed cassation appeals to the Supreme Court.[12]

On 8 August 2023, Sambo's appeal was granted by the Supreme Court on a majority decision (3-2), thereby reducing his sentence to one of life imprisonment.[46][13] The Supreme Court also halved Candrawathi's prison sentence to 10 years, Ma’ruf's sentence was cut from 15 to 10 years, while Rizal's sentence was reduced from 13 to eight years.[47]

Ferdy Sambo Selalu Bawa Senjata

Dalam persidangan juga terungkap mobil pribadi milik terdakwa Ferdy Sambo dan Putri Candrawathi selalu tersedia senjata laras panjang dan tas yang penuh amunisi.

Untuk mobil Ferdy Sambo tersedia senjata laras panjang berjenis Sig Sauer MCX.

Sementara di mobil Putri Candrawathi ada senjata laras panjang berjenis Steyr AUG.

"Untuk piket, ada senjata Sig Sauer MCX, Yang Mulia. Itu yang menempel di mobilnya Bapak (Ferdy Sambo)."

"Kalau untuk di mobil ibu (Putri Candrawathi), ada senjata Steyr AUG," kata Bharada E saat ditanya ketua majelis hakim, Wahyu Iman Santosa.

Tidak hanya satu, Bharada E mengungkapkan di dalam mobil Ferdy Sambo juga tersedia tiga senjata lain yaitu pistol bermerek Wilson Combat, Cabot, dan Glock.

Ketiga pistol tersebut merupakan milik Ferdy Sambo.

Bharada E mengatakan untuk pistol Wilson Combat diletakkan di belakang tempat duduk ajudan mobil Ferdy Sambo.

"Lalu ada (pistol) Cabot di kopelnya Pak FS. Lalu di ransel (Ferdy Sambo) ada Glock, Yang Mulia," jelasnya.

Selanjutnya, Wahyu pun menanyakan kepada Bharada E apakah seluruh senjata yang tersedia itu selalu dibawa oleh Ferdy Sambo atau tidak.

Bharada E menjawab selalu tersedia.

Namun khusus untuk senjata jenis Glock, dirinya mengatakan selalu diletakkan di ruang kerja Ferdy Sambo dan tidak dibawa oleh mantan Kadiv Propam Polri itu.

"(Senjata) itu selalu harus ada?" tanya Wahyu.

Hasil periksa fakta Mochamad Marcell

Klaim dalam video tersebut salah, faktanya tidak ditemukan bungker yang berisi uang Rp900 Miliar dalam penyelidikan di rumah Ferdy Sambo, fakta tersebut disampaikan langsung oleh Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat dengan Komisi III DPR RI. Selengkapnya di bagian penjelasan.

Kategori: Konten yang Menyesatkan

“Dia sudah menarget 2024, sudah siap rapi untuk kembali menguasai Indonesia, lewat Jenderal Sambo. Hidupmu glamor, tajir, melintir, di istana Polri bagaikan sultan, harta berlimpah menggenggam takhta. Ini jenderal bintang dua, naruh duitnya fulusnya itu di bungker rumahnya, berapa pak? 900 miliar! Tapi diumumkan jenderal Sambo.”

Beredar sebuah video di Twitter yang menunjukkan seorang penceramah menyampaikan bahwa Ferdy Sambo memiliki bungker Rp900 Miliar untuk mempersiapkan diri mendapatkan kekuasaan pada 2024.

Setelah ditelusuri, klaim tersebut salah. Faktanya, Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit telah mengonfirmasi dalam penyelidikan kasus pembunuhan Brigadir Yosua, tidak ditemukan bungker yang berisi uang senilai Rp900 Miliar seperti yang disampaikan pada awal video tersebut. Pengunggah video juga telah menyampaikan bantahan di akhir video bahwa pernyataan tersebut adalah hoaks dengan menampilkan bantahan dari Kapolri pada saat Rapat Dengan Pendapat dengan Komisi III DPR RI.

Dilansir dari, kabar hoaks bungker Rp900 Miliar milik Ferdy Sambo semula karena beredarnya video hoaks yang menunjukkan tumpukan uang miliaran yang dinarasikan merupakan milik Ferdy Sambo, dari mengklarifikasi video tersebut Kadiv Humas Polri, Irjen Dedi Prasetyo, menyampaikan bahwa hasil penggeledahan di sejumlah lokasi rumah Ferdy Sambo tidak ditemukan bungker berisi uang Rp900 Miliar. Lebih lanjut penelusuran video terkait tumpukan uang tersebut, Irjen Dedi Prasetyo menyatakan bahwa video tersebut pernah ditayangkan oleh Global Chemical Laboratory tanggal 18 Jul 2021 terkait temuan uang palsu di Atlanta, Amerika Serikat.

Dengan demikian, klaim Ferdy Sambo Punya Bungker Rp900 Miliar merupakan hoaks dengan kategori Konten yang Menyesatkan.

Editor: Bentang Febrylian

Former Indonesian police general (born 1973)

Ferdy Sambo (born 9 February 1973) is a former high-ranking Indonesian National Police officer who last served as the Head of the Profession and Security Division of the Indonesian National Police with the rank of Inspector General of Police. He is known for his involvement in the murder of his aide-de-camp, Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.[3][4] He was described as the "mastermind" of the killing, in which Hutabarat was shot 12 times with a Glock 17.[5][6]

On 13 February 2023, following a three-month trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Sambo was found guilty and sentenced to death.[7][8][9] On 15 February 2023, Sambo filed an appeal against his sentence, two days after his conviction. However, on 12 April 2023, the South Jakarta District Court rejected the appeal, upholding the original sentence. As a result, Sambo's execution was set to proceed as planned.[10][11] However, in May 2023, Sambo filed a cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of Indonesia,[12] and on 8 August 2023 his sentence was commuted to one of life imprisonment.[13]

Ferdy Sambo was born on 9 February 1973, in Barru, South Sulawesi to William Sambo.[14] His brother is Leonardo Sambo (born 2 June 1971).[15][16] He went to SMPN 6 Makassar, where he met his future wife, Putri Candrawati.[17] After completing high school, Sambo attended the police academy where he graduated in 1994.[14]

Sambo is married to Putri Candrawati (born 1973), who previously had a career as a dentist; they married on 7 July 2000.[18] The couple had four children named Trisha Eungelica Ardyadana (born 2001), Yakobus Jacki Uly (born 2005), Adrianus Sooai (born 2007), and Arka.[18] During his trial, it was revealed that his youngest child was adopted.[19]

There has been controversy surrounding his wealth, with the public wondering how he owns various luxury cars and owns several properties across the country despite the salary for police generals in Indonesia.[20][21]

His career in the police was fairly successful, especially in the field of detectives, after he was promoted from Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of West Jakarta Police to Chief of Police of Purbalingga[22] in Central Java in 2012. Before serving as the Head of the Propam Police Division, Sambo was the Dirtipidum of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the police.[23][24][25]

Inspector General. Pol. Ignatius Sigit Widiatmono

Inspector General. Pol. Syahar Diantono

Brigadier General. Pol. Nico Afinta

Brigadier General. Pol. Andi Rian R. Djajadi

Chief Commissioner. Pol. Mardiaz Kusin

Chief Commissioner. Pol. Suwondo Nainggolan

Chief Commissioner Adjudant Kif Aminanto

Chief Commissioner Adjudant Harryo Sugihhartono

Chief Commissioner Adjudant Roy Hardi Siahaan

Chief Commissioner Adjudant I Ketut Suwitra

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